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bases by own direct observation. Never had analyzed lacquer nor phenols, nor cresols etc. etc. He seemed very uncomfortable.
We have little doubt we shall win this suit.
[[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas suit [[/vertical note in left margin]]  
Until 7:30 P.M  remained at office of [[red underline]] Neave [[/red underline]] preparing hastily further cross examining for tomorrow and putting last touches to "The Townsend Golflinks."
Afterwards Townsend and myself went to Mouquin for supper. talking over case and and [[red underline]] feeling confident in our success [[/red underline]]
Dec. 17. Slept poorly. but got up early.
All morning cross examining [[red underline]] McElroy [[/red underline]]. Made him answer after some squirming the general question proposed by Townsend!
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Admitting that nowhere in the literature was it stated taht a varnish of phenolic condensation products, became insoluble if heated and ^[[several]] similar adroitly directed questions. Good! 
Then came an old chemist of Chicago Mr. Stewart who testified about an analysis of a sample of crude carbolic acid submitted by [[red underline]] Nikolas [[/red underline]] that it contained N equivalent to 0.33% [[red underline]] pyridin. [[/red underline]]
[[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas suit [[/vertical note in left margin]]  
Similar Testimony by [[red underline]] Saarbach [[/red underline]] but for sample obtained from National Aniline & Chemical Co but says it contains [[red underline]] no ammonia [[/red underline]] says also that amount of N. altho' high, [[strikethrough]] when ente [[/strikethrough]] does not correspond to smaller amount of bases [[?]] directly with NaOH. his figure being less than 0.4 in the latter case. [[strikethrough]] All this [[/strikethrough]] Also told that [[red underline]] Kjeldal [[/red underline]] ^[[test]] shows [[red underline]] all [[/red underline]] N ^[[N]] even which is not ammonia or base