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160 [[underlined]]  George [[/underlined]] had to give up his motor trip altho' reluctantly.  He tried with Buchanan a mud lark of about half an hour with [[strikethrough]] fenders or muds [[/strikethrough]] mudguards.  They both [[underlined]]  came back dripping of mud [[/underlined]]  and rain and black in the face.  Put his head under the tap of the hydrant to spout away the heavy layer of mud and grease.  
Jan 25/(Sunday).  Cold and windy but bright.  [[underlined]]  George [[/underlined]] and Buchanan set out this morning with their furs and bundles.  At noon [[underlined]]  Fuller [[/underlined]] came here for lunch.  Showed him samples of light permanent C. but gave him no formula or information as to preparation told him it was a secret.  Afternoon Dr. Peter came here and stayed for supper
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took him to his hotel in motorcar.
Jan 26.  Cold and windy but dry  [[underlined]]  Work on permanent C progressing [[/underlined]]  satisfactorily.  May ill with grippe.  Went to New York office. afternoon.  Interview with a certain Mr. [[underlined]] Hyman [[/underlined]]  of a [[underlined]] lawyer of Washington [[/underlined]]  who is intrusted with [[underlined]]  investigation of Eastman Kodak [[/underlined]] Co and who asked me the story of Nefern Chemical Co.  Afterwards went to Chemists Club where met Bradley of [[underlined]]  Research Corporation [[/underlined]]  who asked me again to serve on their board which I declined again.  Went for supper at Mouquin and went home with 9 [[superscript/underlined]] 55 [[/superscript/underlined]] P.M arriving home found [[underlined]] George fast asleep [[/underlined]]  and everything O.K.  Celine told me he had had hard time with car over slippery icy roads but had enjoyed his trip.
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