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166  supper to Chemists Club.  Met Dr. Fireman and invited him to supper with Jones.  Home with 10 [[superscript/underlined]] 45 [[/superscript/underlined]] P.M.
[[underlined]] Feb'y 5.  Left early to testify in Toch's infringement suit against [[Shell?]].  Then hurried thru Lunch with Frank Low at Drug Club  Then to office to meet Judge [[insertion left margin xPatent attorney of Washington]] [[underlined]] Carr [[inserted above line]] x [[/inserted above line]] & Mr. [[underlined]] Griffin [[/underlined]] of [[underlined]] Westinghouse Co [[/underlined]] who came to confer for obtaining exclusive license for [[underlined]] composite card board. [[/underlined]]  Told them about our situation with General Electric and with Stevenson and tried to show them how impossible it was.  Told [[underlined]] them also Boonton contract permitted them to de- [[/underlined]] mand something specially because Boonton [[underlined]] had made tubes before Westinghouse.  [[/underlined]]  Promised them not to do anything with General Electric before con-
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167 sulting them.  We left about 6 P.M little further advanced except that I understand they do not mind of Gen. Electrical Co make their own materials provided they do not sell to others.  Just when I entered Club met [[underlined]] Frank Low [[/underlined]] who tells me unwelcome news [[insertion left margin vertically]] laminated composite cardboard [[/insertion let margin]] that [[underlined]] Meyrowski [[/underlined]] is importing his tubes here in New York  Supper at Chemists Club.  Met young [[underlined]] Wallerstein [[/underlined]]who asked advice about his income tax returns.  Tells me he and his brother made this year together after all deductions $265000.  Their law suit cost them thus far $25000.  Home with 8 [[superscript/underlined]] 45 [[/superscript/underlined]] P.M.  [[underlined]] Dear George [[/underlined]] came to fetch me with motor at Yonkers station.
Feb 6.  Sent check to [[underlined]] Thulow[[/underlined]] for $2750. for his share of dividends.  To Gothelf handed him his bonus check for $600. to which
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