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and neither he nor his assistants seemed to be posted on the case relying entirely on Dr. Ephraim 
Did not even possess copies of the patents of the prior act cited against Beutler.  Took supper at University Club then took 7:45 P.M train for [[red underline]] Montreal [[/red underline]] 
Feb'y. 27.1914. Arrived at [[red underline]] Montreal [[/red underline]] about 7:30 AM. well rested.  The usual row of canadian sleighs at Station.  Has not snowed since long time and it thaws.  Slushy dirty streets.  Went to [[red underline]] Hotel de la Place Viger [[/red underline]] of Canadian Pacific.  Very empty poor slow service.  Find canadian with [[flannel outer?]] fur caps in lobby.  Went out to several stores to find out prices of fur coats.  Prices for ordinary fur coats not lower than in New York One store there was bargain
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buy in fur but no sizes big enough to fit me.  For coon coats want $100 and $150.  Finally bought a heavy fur lined coat, canadian muskrat, very dark for lining and unplucked beaver collar for $135.00 after some bargaining
Streets fearfully slushy, worse than the worst ever since in New York after a thaw.  Evg went to a show
Feb'y 28.  Bright and mild weather.  Went walking most of the day thru the slushy streets. [[strikethrough]] Eveng went to moved to [[/strikethrough]] Visited the new Ritz Carlton hotel, fine place but [[black underline]] very [[/black underline]] empty.  Then moved to the Windsor Hotel which has been considerably enlarged and remodelled.  Evening went to see an english play "Nobody's Daughter
[[black underline]] March 1. 1914. [[/black underline]]  Up early. went to Station of Canadian Pacific considerably enlarged and beautified
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