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there and daughter also Mrs.[[red underline]] Loeb. [[/red underline]] Hurried to Delmonico where I found the [[red underline]] Inventor's Guild still in session [[/red underline]] discussing [[red underline]] proposed [[/red underline]] patent legislation 
Went home with 12:30 P.M. it is snowing and very quiet and all branches of trees are white
[[black underline]] March 7. [[/black underline]] The landscape is like a fairy-scene. All trees covered with light snow. Beautiful landscape. 
Later came [[red underline]] Rossi[[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Alford [[/red underline]] to learn about our new method of making [[red underline]]transparent amber bakelite that does not change in color when submitted to [[/red underline]] light. Explained everything to [[red underline]] Alford [[/red underline]] in presence of Rossi also showed him samples and results of experiments. and [[red underline]] Gothelf [[/red underline]] made two samples before them showing them how to proceed and gave them
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proportions so that they can repeat the experiments themselves [[red underline]] Hamlin [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Lawrence [[/red underline]] were present in the morning but left at noon. Alford and Rossi lunched here and left about 4 PM 
[[black underline]] March 8 Sunday.[[/black underline]] Dictated on machine most of the day, then wrote my journal up to date. The [[red underline]] children have many visitors [[/red underline]] Phonograph plays rag time and turkey-trot music. and  [[red underline] I hide myself to escape the noise. [[/red underline]]
March 9. [[black underline]] Still [[/black underline]] Everything still snowed in. went to [[red underline]] Morris Heights after [[/red underline]] lunch to inspect a motor boat Then went to Buick store to see their cars. Then to Jandorf who offers me new six cylinder [[red underline]] Alco chassis [[/red underline]] with [[red underline]] Peerless Limousine body for $3500 or $2500 if I [[/red underline]] give my Stearns in trade 
Evening went to Century Opera Co. Hansel and Gretel, Secret
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