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[[top left]] [[symbol]] # 1914 [[/top left]]
[[black underline]] March 12. [[/black underline]]. More frost. Still much snow everywhere. We find [[red underline]] Cresol [[/red underline]] works well for new [[red underline]] transparent C. [[/red underline]]
Afternoon visit of [[red underline]] Williamson Frank Loew [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Lehman [[/red underline]]
Talked over at length their difficulty with matrices.  Took them in lab. showed them Reychler solution and how it can be transformed into A.  They stayed for supper. [[red underline]] Woman Suffrage [[/red underline]] discussion.  [[red underline]] Williamson being [[/red underline]] the unconverted one.  They left about 10:30 P.M
March 13.  Left here before lunch.  Took lunch with [[red underline]] Bush [[/red underline]] and spent about 3 hours with him talking over situation at [[red underline]] Niagara [[/red underline]] which has assumed [[red underline]] threatening proportions. [[/red underline]]  Last month figured instead of profits $3500 loss! (charge 2 hours) Then went to office. 
[[symbol and note in left margin highlighted with vertical black line]] 
# 2 hs. [[/symbol and note in left margin]]
[[red underline]] Hasslacher's condition [[/red underline]] reported to be just the
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