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[[symbol of circle topped by a cross in top left margin]]
[[red underline]] Dr. Peter [[/red underline]] who came to consult about work in Brooklyn and report new results. (Charge 2 hours)
[[symbol of circle topped by a cross with note in left margin]] [[black underline]] 2 hours [[/black underline]] R.B.P.Co [[/note in left margin]]
[[black underline]] March 30. [[/black underline]] Home all day dictating etc. At 4 P.M. drove in rain to [[red underline]] Takamine's [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] house and me [[/strikethrough]] office and met there his [[red underline]] Japanese engineer [[/red underline]] who has come over to study use of bakelite. Explained that we are still much upset at Perth Amboy with installation of new plant. Agreed to postpone matters until beginning of May which seems to suit Takamine.
Then conferred about contemplated installation in [[red underline]] Japan for electrolytic plant [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] // [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] 10 tons [[/red underline]] NaOH capacity per day. Ordered to go slowly, and first make careful survey of situation
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there. Told him without going into details our present troubles in Niagara Falls. Afterwards went to University Club then to meet Bush at Delmonico for supper. Bush leaves for Niagara to take leadership of plant. His son was with him. Remained with him discussing matters and advising till late in evening after which I drove back home (Charge Hooker 4 hours for Takamine and Bush interviews)
[[symbol and note in left margin]] # 4 hr. Hooker [[/symbol and note in left margin]]
March 31. Sunny weather. [[red underline]] Gothelf [[/red underline]] went to Perth Amboy to communicate latest results to [[red underline]] Alvord [[/red underline]] relative our work on unchangeable [[red underline]] transparent C. [[/red underline]]
Spent afternoon teaching [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] how to run [[red underline]] Buick car [[/red underline]] and took her up to Longe Vue for cup of coffee.
[[black underline]] April 1. 1914. [[/black underline]] Left early for meeting directors of General