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[[red underline]] Bakelite Co. Mausolf, Creevey, Peters, [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Foersterling [[/red underline]] there. Discussed mainly question of power of signature to sign checks and afterwards interview with Foersterling, May and Mausolf how to secure good checking of accounts. Told [[red underline]] to May, [[/red underline]] I want to stop plain red pencil dash and to use [[black underline]] signature [[/black underline]] as O.K for bills.
Took lunch with Swan and May. May reports has some trouble with [[red underline]] Gordon, [[/red underline]] the latter being rather stubborn and head-strong [[strikethrough]] headed [[/strikethrough]] as to willingly carrying out orders. [[red underline]] Advised May to direct his energies with some tact and give him work which will interest [[/red underline]] him.
Then afterwards spent about
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[[symbol of a circle topped by a cross in top left margin]]
two hours at [[red underline]] Royal Baking [[/red underline]] Powder office explaining latest developments to Geary and to Porter. and advising purchase of Venturimeter as suggested by Paulus to measure flow of mercury. Then home 5:17 P.M with Celine [[insertion below line]] Rain! [[/insertion]]
[[symbol of a circle topped by a cross in left margin with note]] 2 hours R.BP.Co [[/symbol and note in left margin]]
April 2. 
[[vertical red line in left margin highlighting sentences describing Dr. Baekeland's tired feelings.]]
[[red underline]] Feel very tired and uninterested in my work. Difficulty of concentrating my attention [[/red underline]] intelligently on any subject and [[strikethrough]] unpleasant [[/strikethrough]] ^[[oppressive]] feeling [[red underline]] in my head. [[/red underline]] After short rest seemed to improve somewhat
[/vertical red line in left margin]]
Afternoon took ^[[new]] Buick and drove [[red underline]] to Columbia to tell Smith that they should ask Jacques Loeb to lecture for them. [[/red underline]] But both he and [[red underline]] Whitaker [[/red underline]] insist that I am the man and do not want to hear about Jacques Loeb. Home by about [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 7:30 P.M
Letter from Germany gives report of year of [[red underline]] Bakelite Gesellschaft. First dividends [[/red underline]] declared