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Old tooth aches again. Put in new gutta filling Afternoon gave [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] another driving lesson. Evening drove [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] to Dr. Rodgers for her prospect meeting
April 7. [[red underline]] Gordon here. [[/red underline]] told him all about new impregnating liquid made with No. 5 for impregnation of coils. Showed him how it worked and showed results in coils. Told him we have permanent color amber bakelite showed him samples exposed since last year. without however telling him how they are made Cautioned him to be quiet about this news. He left at noon. Evening I took supper at University Club. Met [[red underline]] Gavin [[/red underline]] there who seems determined that we should appoint 
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[[red underline]] a new manager [[/red underline]] for our works in Niagara. He thinks [[red underline]] Bush [[/red underline]] unsuitable as being too much under Hooker influence and proposes a man Wiley whom he wants me to meet and whom he says is a corker and has [[strikethrough]] ad [[/strikethrough]] acted as successful manager for some beet sugar plants. I told him a change now would be very undesirable and that I think Bush is entirely suitable to confront the situation but he thinks very differently.
Had drawing room on train for Niagara with Frank [[red underline]] Remington. [[/red underline]] and talked situation over with him till 10 P.M. He had to learn all the latter two month's history.
April 8. On awakening find snow everywhere up state