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[[black underline]] April 15. [[/black underline]] Here all [[strikethrough]] morning [[/strikethrough]] day. Evening meeting at Chemists club of board of Directors of [[red underline]] Am. Electrochemical Society [[/red underline]] - Roeber presiding. [[New?]] matter discussion whether Cowles paper on "Acrostics" shall be accepted for publication. Dr. [[red underline]] Penniman [[/red underline]] of Baltimore here.
April 16. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] Told to [[red underline]] Takamine [[/red underline]] that I would go to Japan for preliminary report if his Japanese friends are willing to pay traveling expenses. [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Went to Chemists Club about 10 A.M. [[red underline]] Steinmetz [[/red underline]] lecturing on power problems
He had a coon fur cap like soldiers used to wear which still [[strikethrough]] incre [[/strikethrough]] made him look more unusual. Lunch at club for A.E.S. sat with [[red underline]] Dr. Northrup [[/red underline]] and wife. then lecture of [[red underline]] Bancroft [[/red underline]] on Electrolytic Flames. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] was Chairman ladies Committee
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Evening [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and I took supper together at Belmont Restaurant. She then took ladies to theatre and I went to smoker. preceded by Presidential Address of [[red underline]] Roeber. [[/red underline]]
Moving pictures, songs, etc etc.
Left at 11 P.M with Celine for Yonkers.
April 17. Stayed here all [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] ^[[morning]] Beautiful weather. [[red underline]] Lawrence [[/red underline]] back from [[red underline]] Perth Amboy [[/red underline]] where he investigated sample of impregnating compound returned from Pittsfield. Lunch at Drug Club with [[red underline]] Gifford, Eddy [[/red underline]] (both of G.E. Pittsfield) Swan, Gordon discussing casting of [[strikethrough]] No. [[/strikethrough]] A No. 5 and new impregnating material.
April 18. Drove to Columbia about noon then to Toch where took lunch with [[red underline]] Bancroft [[/red underline]] Then took [[strikethrough]] back to Bo [[/strikethrough]] the latter to baseball grounds and
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