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April 26 1914 (Sunday). [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] here this lunch. Discussed with him prospect of doing our own molding. Seems to be very desirous of this and says would ask nothing better and to [[strikethrough]] leave [[/strikethrough]] live near factory.
April 27. [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] here this afternoon to discuss factory matters and project of special molding department. Took supper here. Then we went all to University club. [[strikethrough]] Gl [[/strikethrough]] Mendelsohn Glee Club concert then supper. Remained talking with Doremus till 2 AM so drove home with little Buick car at 3 AM.
April 28. [[red underline]] Alvord [[/red underline]] here showed him how to make new [[red underline]] transparent material [[/red underline]] with latest developments using No. 11.
April 29. Wrote half day on
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[[red underline]] Chandler lecture [[/red underline]] and evening went to see the "Movies" in Yonkers as a distraction.
April 30. Wrote all day on my lecture
May 1. 1914. Went away early to office [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]]
^[[was]] blue and disgruntled on account of difficulties with lacquer. Took lunch with [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] and Mr. Usui of Japanese company [[red underline]] Sankyo [[/red underline]] & Co. [[red underline]] Takamine [[/red underline]] came to office and I showed him our collection of samples. Then to Perth Amboy with Usui. Rather tiresome to talk English with a Jap. who does not talk well. At Perth Amboy found [[red underline]] Alvord [[/red underline]] had engaged "intelligent boy" to help him. [[red underline]] Berated him for his lightheadedness [[/red underline]] in not preserving our secrets and had a very outspoken talk with Rossi and Foersterlilng on this subject. requesting