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next program and specially foreign licenses.
Home with 11[[underlined]] [[superscript]] 30 [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]] PM train. Charge 6 hours.
[[symbol and note in left margin]] # 6 hours [[/symbol and note in left margin]]
[[underline]] June 23. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Some orders to day again. [[/red underline]] Spent time with my belated correspondence.  Hamlin away to Amherst Commencement. [[red underline]] Told Gothelf to try rosin oil [[red underline]] instead of neutral oil for his impregnating mixtures.
June 24.  Very sultry weather:  Have sent [[red underline]] Lawrence [[/red underline]] to N.Y testing laboratories to test [[/strikethrough]] new [[/strikethrough]] discs made from new impregnating material.  He reports puncture tests as high as 700 volts per mil for discs 110 mils thick which is very encouraging and confirms some lower reports from [[red underline]] Gifford [[/red underline]] at Pittsfield I believe this time I got it.  Drove to [[red underline]] Takamine [[/red underline]] to
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talk further about my visit [[red underline]] to Japan. [[/red underline]]  Told him I appreciated offer of paying [[underline]] all [[/underline]] expenses around the world but that this was more than my first proposition [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] which meant only trip to Japan and back.  Takamine said it made little difference. but I said I would take off about $600. and thanked his friends for the liberal spirit in which they had interpreted my offer.  Took lunch at Chemists Club.  [[red underline]] Grosvenor [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Teeple [[/red underline]] showed me their new quarters in Dr. Morris Loeb's former laboratory.  During my absence a representative of Yonkers light and power Company came here and managed to go into laboratory for inspecting the electric light meter because he says he fears short circuits or a defective meter on account