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threatening barometer and very cloudy. At 9:20 AM. decided to risk it. Weather kept well [[red underline]] George driving. [[/red underline]] Albert (a chauffeur) along. In rear. Celine Nina and myself. Wonderfully good roads to Rhinebeck then Ferry then thru Rondout and Kingston to Saugerties. Took lunch in woods along road. Many mosquitoes. Bit viciously! Then ahead. finally struck Platerskill Clove and it began raining and turned so foggy we could not see the mountains. Slippery very steep ascent. Wheels twirled in mud until put on chains. All walking as to avoid skidding. Finally arrived at [[red underline]] Elka Park [[/red underline]] at 5 PM Very well received by Hasslacher and his family. Also Mr. Fink who did all what he could to [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] make our stay pleasant.
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Met Mr. [[red underline]] Conrad Cronau, [[/red underline]] artist and author there who published several books on America in German. Stayed all at Club House. Evening bowling then went all to the Kneipe, sang German song and children seemed to enjoy it and got along well with their [[strikethrough]] newl [[/strikethrough]] newly made friends. [[red underline]] Mr Hasslacher [[/red underline]] sat by window in his room in an armchair. Mind clear but his leg still badly swollen.
June 29. Excursions right and left thru [[red underline]] Elka Park [[/red underline]] and woods. Children out to swim and play. Visited camp of forestry students of Syracuse University. Mr Fink also took us to Mrs. Keppels house, the widow of Keppel the founder of "Puck". Evening more bowling. Day cloudy with occasional sunshine.
June 30. Up early; left [[red underline]] Elka Park [[/red underline]] about 8:30 A.M. went via Phenicia and 
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Transcription Notes:
Could the locations be Platte Clove Road or Plattekill, and Phoenicia near Elka Park, N.Y.?