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this site of future Ashokan Reservoir. Had to take many side roads to avoid magnificent main road now under construction. Beautiful mountain scenery. Lovely villages. Then over Kingston, Esopus, [[strikethrough]] Pfal [[/strikethrough]] New Pfalz etc. all charming prosperous villages and agricultural country.  Then thru fruit country near Highland and Milton 
Excellent roads everywhere. Then stopped about 1 P.M at Newburg to buy provisions for lunch which we ate on the side of the road somewhat further then over Tuxedo and Nyack home. Nice clear and sunny all day. Arrived at Snug Rock about 4 P.M. notwithstanding some delay at Dobbs Ferry replacing flat tire. Gothelf, Hamlin and Laurence still at work in lab. Slept very well.
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[[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] left at 7 P.M for Adirondacks on a visit to Buchanan's Camp.
July 1. Up early then to N.Y office for [[red underline]] meeting of directors. [[/red underline]] Peters away in Europe. but Williams, Foersterling Creevey and Mansolf present. Deliveries only $18000 - booked orders about $19300. Townsend was busy with Frank L. Dyer and [[red underline]] Kirk Brown [[red underline]] of Condensite Co, upstairs in Club, in regard to interference of matrix patent and joined us. The Condensite men ask us $10000 down and royalties which he refused as the whole matter seems worthless to us. [[red underline]] Got Williamson [[/red underline]] at the office. He says it looks as if Bakelite Matrix was a hopeless issue and he says in presence of Townsend. Foersterling and May that as far as he is concerned he has no objection if we file no answer and let interference go by default. Townsend has asked postponement for hearing but Dyer wants to give