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(Charge 5 hours) Took supper at University Club with Mershon  Home about 10[[superscript]] [[underlined]]30[[/underlined]][[/superscript]] P.M.
[[left margin]] July 7. [[/left margin]] Found telegram talking of testimony in [[red underline]] Matrix interference [[/red underline]] postponed. so remained home all day and finished correspondence
Continued nice cool weather. Got first reports of [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] covering [[red underline]] new impregnating material. [[/red underline]] Reports good thus far. Packed my valises for the trip.
[[left margin]] July 8 [[/left margin]] Weather begins to become sultry.
Evening went to Neptune Club where Takamine gave a Japanese dinner in my honor. [[red underline]] D[[superscript]]r.[[/superscript]] Nogo[[insertion]]u[[/insertion]]chi [[/red underline]] of the Rockefeller institute there. a little man full of life. hardly the size of a boy. Usui and Taguchi and Takamine the only other Japanese. Whitaker, Hendrick, Baskerville, May and McKenna there. All made speech and Hendrick read an excellent poem "The
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Catalyst." Drove Whitaker home. Very enjoyable evening. cheerful kind and courteous like usually.
[[left margin]] July 9. [[/left margin]]  At noon went with my car to [[red underline]] Russian Consulate [[/red underline]] to have visa put on my passport. The office crowded with russians. [[strikethrough]] all Took him [[/strikethrough]] Went to University club then took lunch at Claremount and drove home. Found telegram from [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] that test coil with new impregnating material broke down at 5 times overload which seems rather disappointing as I would have expected at least 9 times. Rather sultry day but nice and cool towards evening.
[[left margin]] July 10. [[/left margin]] Early to office for interference of matrix patent with Aylsworth. Nobody there at 9.A.M. Then came [[red underline]] Dyer Smith [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] then [[red underline]] later Frank L. Dyer [[/red underline]] at 10.AM got word from Townsend that Tower's (attorney of Cutler Hammer) train got delayed. will be in late. Then they finally arrived and