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towers, giant mushrooms etc. by the erosion of many centuries. (Lee Cronau's Amerika) [[strikethrough]] where they ar [[/strikethrough]] Enter narrow valley [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] which suddenly broadens to a wide green valley where is situated Echo "City". This slope is entirely more attractive than the wild barren slope on the Eastern side. [[strikethrough]] Then I [[/strikethrough]] Then later on valley broaden and enter Ogden in Utah situated on beginning of a vast plain on foot of mountains. Look somewhat like similar places in Italy. The road crosses the Great Salt Lake in a straight line. No fish no plants no life a real "dead sea". Not a boat in sight. barren dry mountains everywhere. Took several hours to cross this lake. Finally enter Nevada. by a white desert
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dotted sparsely by sage brush. [[strikethrough]] Altali [[/strikethrough]] This is the old bed of the former Salt Lake. Monotonous weird, unhospitable scorched country. Soil baked and blistered by the sun. luckily it is dry on account of altitude. By and by less white but still devoid of green or trees. only grayish sage brush. A few cattle.- on what do they live? Then some station [[consisting?]] of a watering tank three or four prairie houses of which invariably some "saloons". "palaces", etc. [[strikethrough]] In the  Same [[/strikethrough]] Saw [[red underline]] two or three automobiles [[/red underline]] in the plains. Some herds of cattle and horses. In the distance some green alfalfa fields [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] ^[[near?]] the slope of the mountain where there are cattle ranches. This state may be very wide in area, but from what I saw from it seems unproductive
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