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unless irrigation makes something out of it. Until now seems the paradise for mine promoters. Lonely, weird unsettled and barren is the way it appears to me: One good sized city in the state of New York seems more important than this whole state
[[left margin]] July 15. [[/left margin]] [[strikethrough]] Danger of cr [[/strikethrough]] Got up at 4[[superscript]] [[underlined]] 30 [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]] P.M the landscape has changed entirely. Mountains everywhere [[land?]] with pine trees and smiling valleys below. Seems well settled. Palm trees here and there, near villages. Fruit trees - smiling country. We are in [[underline]] California; [[/underline]] what a contrast with the landscape of Wyoming and Nevada! Pass Colfax. everybody is still asleep. saw [[red underline]] two automobiles [[/red underline]] standing near frame hotel. Roads for automobiles seem very good
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[[top left]] 93 [[/top left]]
altho' [[strikethrough]] hilly [[/strikethrough]] steep in many places
Grass is all yellow and soil very dry. But irrigation gives life to fruit orchards. Finally descending into a big broad plain
Big farms, wheat, fruit, cattle etc. [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] it is getting warmer but dry. Reach Sacramento a big busy place quite a contrast to all the small places we passed thru during the last two days. Leaving out Ogden. [[insertion]] and Cheyenne [[/insertion]] I do not think I saw [[strikethrough]] fifty [[/strikethrough]] 100 people in all Wyoming and Nevada and Utah. Sacramento River, big sized river. Irrigation everywhere. but no trees on hills or mountains. Stubs of wheat all dried yellow since harvest. Eucalyptus [[strikethrough]] bus [[/strikethrough]] trees and groves predominant note
Country seems prosperous farms. Train enters upon Ferry Boat then transported to other side