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at the smell, but suddenly got an overpowering feeling of suffocation and then a violent pain similar to what is produced by inhaling formaldehyde. I feared I would faint. So [[strikethrough]] kep [[/strikethrough]] sat down and it took several minutes before symptom passed. Moral: do not smell eagerly unknown plants! Another good days exercise. took a hurried supper then took the "Sight-seeing-car" to Chinatown with a guide. A regular party of hayseeds. some of them carrying their children along. Among the stores visited was that of a certain fat bald headed Chinaman Wong whose wife is the sister of Howard Gould's wife and who sells postal cars and souvenirs to make a living. 
July 19. (Sunday) Up early and well rested. spent morning writing
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Intended to go to Santa Cruz to see giant trees but found out it is too late to get there and be back. [[red underline]] Arthur Lachman [[/red underline]] invited me for lunch at little french restaurant. Asked me what I thought whether he should stay in the wine business or sell out. [[strikethrough]] Reman [[/strikethrough]] Streets [[strikethrough]] and resta [[/strikethrough]] very animated everybody seems to be out. Restaurants and theater full to crowding. All this a very orderly crowd [[strikethrough]] and[[/strikethrough]]
July 20 1914. Went early to Berkeley, University of California. Many summer students [[strikethrough]] mad [[/strikethrough]] the majority seems to be women. At chemical laboratory two Roman Catholic nuns, with apron over their uniform busy with chemical experiments
Prof. O'Neill took me around [[red underline]] Lamb [[/red underline]] of Howard was lecturing there temporarily. But [[red underline]] Biddle, [[/red underline]] organic, and [[red underline]] Lewis, [[/red underline]] Physical chemistry
Then [[red underline]] O'Neill [[/red underline]] took me to Bohemian Club for lunch. Famous Club on account of its yearly outing in the Red wood Grove. Old Club was
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