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arranged uniformly in one big "chignon". Their kimono with wide sleeves and some kind of big folded bow of lighter material on the back. [[strikethrough]] White [[/strikethrough]] Immaculate clean white socks with big toe separated and sandals of straw or wooden sandals with two cross planks underneath. Makes them walk rather clumsily. Most of the time have umbrella. many carry a cute little japanese baby strapped on their back and dressed in multicolored clothes. Looks like japanese doll. Women exceedingly small; some not exceeing 5 feet but all are neat and cleanly looking. Japanese ^[[men mostly]] all wear modern dress except now and then one in kimona and entirely barelegged with sandals. Chinese the same; but their 
^[[chinese]] women and girls wear chinese dress
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consisting of trousers over which a long narrow blouse-shirt. blue or white or black. Chinese girls wear american shoes. This dress is [[strikethrough]] quite [[/strikethrough]] clean simple, practical and becoming and they must laugh at the stupid vagaries of modern 
^[[women's]] women's dress. I lost myself in some small sinuous side streets to walled in between wooden fences where I met [[strikethrough]] once [[/strikethrough]] now and then a Shinto temple. Saw some shinto shrine made of cement in corner of some back yard of house with some jap. [[strikethrough]] characters [[/strikethrough]] inscription and many remnants of half consumed joss sticks, or red candles. After felt tired walking engaged a Packard touring car to drive me around principal points of interest. Price $9.00 arranged by tourist committee of Honolulu. Driver looks intelligent and well built. Brown complexion but straight hair. He tells me he is half owner of car. and they conduct
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