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tourists who arrive almost every day by incoming steamers. I took him first for a Kanaka and he says he speaks Kanaka language which is still much in use among Kanaka inhabitants. But then I heard he had been in New York City playing baseball in chinese base-ball team. His father was chinese and mother Kanaka
Speaks excellent English and tells me he speaks Kanaka and chinese too. Fine tropical residences on broad macadamized streets. Royal Ponciana trees, with beautiful orange red flowers vividly [[strikethrough]] const [[/strikethrough]] contrasting with soft green. Royal Palms. Date palms and tall slender mountain palms and Coco palms. Drove to the Pali over good mountain road. wooden both sides. Laborers on road Kanakas chinese japanese etc. Road runs thru wide gorge. Slender waterfalls dashing strait down from steep green
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mountain-sides but violent wind sweeps waterfalls upwards and scatters them to drops. It started raining then stopped again, rain & wind. then reached Pali where King Amaheha or some name like this drove his enemies over precipice. Beautiful view below over flat lands way below, [[strikethrough]] ocean [[/strikethrough]] blue ocean and white surf lines in the distance - Wind very violent here, sometimes attains 90 miles an hour. Steel cable tied to rock for holding fast against violent wind. Then down again along well kept streets, bungalows and ^[[small]] farms and fine residences
Electric cars good and run from waterpower which seems available everywhere. [[strikethrough]] This [[/strikethrough]] Island seems very prosperous; main revenue sugar planting, rice and pine-apples. Of course they are all protectionists! and decidedly against democrats. Great leanings for Ted. Roosevelt and progressive party probably on account of high tariff views
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Transcription Notes:
King Amaheha refers to King Kamehameha who won the battle of Nuuanu on the site of the Pali Lookout.