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fruit store; very clean like all stores here. Chinaman prompt and businesslike. Has modern cash register besides his abacus with wooden balls 
Entrance to pier lively with representatives of all nationalities  Flower predominating everywhere. Big strings of various flowers strung on a [[strikethrough]] rope [[/strikethrough]] string. Departing travelers are presented with these from friends or relatives. Each one presenting a special flower string which he hangs over neck of departing friend. Japs and their wives, daughters and children predominant. Japs seem specially profuse in offering flowers. One of them has at least fifty strings of flowers and beads around his neck and is still receiving more and more of them. He is a youth
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dressed elegantly in latest style american pale summer suit. His old mother, in dark japanese dress, seems to hide her emotion when she is telling him her latest advise which she [[flusters?]] to him. His sister has a tear in her eye. Groups of Japanese girls, [[strikethrough]] [[hairdress?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[hair]] and dress all show up in same fashion at windows of pier. Japanese multicolored babies much in evidence  Military band playing a melodious air on pier. probably in honor of japanese commander on board who visited their barracks. These japanese seem a happy lot but when steamer moves out I notice 3 japanese girls who [[strikethrough]] wipe [[/strikethrough]] stealthily wipe their eyes with a [[strikethrough]] hard [[/strikethrough]] handkerchief. Our steamer moves out of harbor. beautiful weather fine breeze. (See photos) [[red underline]] Soon back to ships routine. [[/red underline]] Some new passengers came aboard. Slept very well and got up early as usually