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entirely engaged in sanitary service and eradication of [[strikethrough]] Chlo [[/strikethrough] Cholera. and seems eagerly interested in his subject, and of a very practical common sense turn of mind
Has had cholera twice himself.
Four [[red underline]] Germans aboard [[/red underline]], two of which arrived at [[red underline]] Honolulu. [[/red underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin]] German officers? [[/vertical note in left margin]]
The two first ones seem very stiff toward the latter altho' they are all young men. [[red underline]] One [[/red underline]] of the first group seems particularly snobbish. wears golden bracelet, and ^[[extraordinary]] heavy diamond ring and heavy ruby ring on his finger. All the Germans are [[red underline]] on a tour around the world [[/red underline]] 
Afternoon baseball game between passengers and crew  Crew [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] was beaten this time. One young man Anderson, of South Carolina, slipped and fell with his jaw against railing
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and was carried away unconscious. Later recovered.- cut on his lower jaw. is now in bed.
Evening there was dancing. I learn that [[red underline]] Captain and officers are british [[/red underline]] altho' they look and act like americans. It rained this night
July 30. Decidedly warmer and more sultry. Finished another book "The Obvious East" by Prof. Hart of Harvard. This is the fourth since leaving San Francisco.
[[vertical note in left margin in red pencil]] WAR [[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[red underline]] Last night at dinner the Wireless "Journal" announced that Austria had declared [[double red underline]] war [[/double red underline]] on Servia [[/red underline]].  The [[red underline]] four germans [[/red underline]] seemed to be quite excited and discussed the matter among themselves. I heard [[red underline]] none of the American passengers make any remarks whatever and the matter seemed to have passed unnoticed. [[/red underline]] This evening the "Wireless Journal" printed almost exclusively war news. [[red underline]] Germany [[/red underline]] is reported to be massing her troops
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