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president [[image-line from "president" to note on top of page]] [[note on top of page]] one of the richest business men in Japan and old friend of Takamine since their school days there [[/note on top of page]] of Toyo Kishen Kasha Steamship line to which belongs The [[red underline]] Tenyo Maru [[/red underline]] on which I came from San Francisco. Repeated bowings and handshake. [[red underline]] She seems [[/red underline]] interested in my [[insertion]] new [[/insertion]] impressions of Japan she does not talk english but seems to understand. A few stations further [[red underline]] three big bows [[/red underline]] with everytime some words between each bow and she clappers off on her wooden soled sandals or clogs. Seems [[red underline]] great democracy in dresses here. [[/red underline]] Rice fields, lotus flower in bloom, peach trees. Little wooden houses, funnily dressed men and women everywhere  happy children galore. Everything neatly kept, bamboo fences. [[strikethrough]] Fro [[/strikethrough]] Big [[red underline]] Japanese advertising [[/red underline]] signs in field but [[red underline]] no english [[/red underline]] only japanese letters. Arrive [[red underline]] Tokio, [[/red underline]] modest wooden station, used temporarily. Drive to
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[[red underline]] hotel [[/red underline]] in fine [[red underline]] english limousine [[/red underline]] All the gentlemen come up to my room and chat for awhile and [[red underline]] Dr. Kondo [[/red underline]] makes a program for me. [[red underline]] Strenuous program. [[/red underline]] He disposes of my next days and every day after  
He also [[red underline]] sends cable to Celine. No code words allowed. Cable over Europe closed. [[/red underline]] Tells me
[[red underline]] war news is not yet confirmed and it is not sure engagements have [[/red underline]] started. Much contradictory news contradicted afterwards. Gives me [[red underline]] some hope that all this may not be true. Hotel [[/red underline]] very similar to some South American hotels. Rather old fashioned, but [[red underline]] clean and good service. [[/red underline]] Have suite with reception room containing desk and a few Japanese Art works. then small sleeping room. [[red underline]] Very hot No mosquito screen [[/red underline]] on windows but mosquito net over my bed. Electric light. Feel [[red underline]] very hot [[/red underline]]

Transcription Notes:
Apparently the correct spelling of the Steamship Co. is: Toyo Kisen Kaisha