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and tired. [[red underline]] Full of perspiration. [[/red underline]] They all left and I went for supper. See many europeans, german looking men also [[strikethrough]] brut [[/strikethrough]] british-looking. [[red underline]] Sun-helmets [[/red underline]] and broadbrimmed hats in evidence. Most have [[red underline]] white duck [[/red underline]] suits or pongee. Cannot sleep. All this so new and strange. Waiter or "boy" to whom I give suits for pressing speaks [[red underline]] "pidgeon englush" [[/red underline]] almost impossible to understand
Yes sir. Yes Sir. a bow.. . . .
[[vertical red line in left margin highlighting following two sentences]]
Yes Sir again another bow and so on. Then he leaves and I still doubt whether he has understood.
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Took one of the [[red underline]] Jenricksa [[/red underline]] men stationed on front yard of Hotel. and swayed for an hours drive in the darkness. Cautioned him not to run. He takes me thru busy streets  He has [[red underline]] japanese lantern swinging [[/red underline]]
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on his side. Once in awhile breaks into a trot altho' I forbade him. Thinks he is not giving the money's worth, probably. Tries once in awhile to explain in "pigeon english" "empelal paleeshee" means imperial palace and so-on. "Beelal" means "Beer-Halle"  Men, women, girls and children in the street. Almost [[red underline]] every man or boy smokes cigarettes. [[/red underline]] Most diversified costumes from almost entirely naked to formal kimonos. [[red underline]] Young men look like greeks. [[/red underline]] with light [[red underline]] cotton tunic [[/red underline]] and bare legs exposed to the tighs. No rowdyiness, nor sneering, nor awkwardness, all [[red underline]] graceful [[/red underline]] in poise and movements. On in the sweltering heat run the [[red underline]] Jinricksaw men. [[/red underline]] - do not seem to mind it. All this intermingled with [[red underline]] electric-surface cars [[/red underline]] of most modern pattern. Most
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