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Williamson (London) and Dr. [[strikethrough]] Tak [[/strikethrough]] Toyokichi [[red underline]] Takamatsu [[/red underline]] President Tokio [[red underline]] Gas Company [[/red underline]] and of Society Chemical Industry
The former dressed in white Western dress. the latter in formal Kimono and sandals. Both intelligent looking men. We discuss several matters relative to education, research etc. [[red underline]] Sakurai [[/red underline]] suggests I should mention in my address next monday [[red underline]] the necessity of an Institute for Chemical Research. [[/red underline]] After they have made their bows and retired arrive two more japanese in stately kimonos. One is Mr. [[red underline]] Tunaka of Kwanto Soda Co the [[/red underline]] other his general manager followed by their chemists engineers etc. The whole procession filing thru corridors of hotel seems more like the suite of an
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embassador. Talked all morning on situation starting with good wishes etc. Then the procession retired and I took a hasty tiffin well prepared. Tried to sleep could not. At 3 [[red underline]] Dr Kondo [[/red underline]] came again with automobile and drove me to Tea Party of Mr. [[red underline]] Asano. [[/red underline]] He is [[red underline]] Asano's chief [[/red underline]] engineer. Drove in [[red underline]] Shiohara's [[/red underline]] fine English Limousine. He took occasion to show me the Shinto Shrines of the [[red underline]] 47 men [[/red underline]] who committed [[red underline]] harikari [[/red underline]] to remind their superior that his conduct was unworthy. Burning bundles of punk-sticks on votive lanterns. Many pilgrims there each tomb marked by a rough stone with inscriptions. Recesses in stone with water to keep flowers alive offered on tombs. On the way met procession of [[red underline]] Ricksaws [[/red underline]] all [[red underline]] passengers of Tenyo [[/red underline]]

Transcription Notes:
Apparently a "tiffin" is a luncheon taken outside of mealtime.