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and [[red underline]] Kondo [[/red underline]] to [[red underline]] Imperial Theatre [[/red underline]] (thus called because Emperor never visits it?)
[[strikethrough]] Saw j [[/strikethrough]] Theatre well ventilated and comfortable just like theatres in New York. Far superior to Paris or Berlin theatres. Audience exclusively Japanese. At door [[red underline]] sandals [[/red underline]] with [[red underline]] cross bands [[/red underline]] for those who come on [[red underline]] wooden clogs. [[/red underline]] Audience dressed in [[red underline]] every style except western. [[/red underline]] Some seem to sit in bath robe. Many women and quite some children. Tanaka and his man again in formal kimono.
One play was [[red underline]] Japanese tragedy [[/red underline]] Much [[red underline]] weeping all thru last [[/red underline]] act and everything said in weeping voice like a howling cat. Some women in audience wept too.
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Then another tragedy then a farce. based on telephone exchange. During long [[strikethrough]] ent [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] entr'act [[/red underline]] dinner with [[red underline]] champagne [[/red underline]] saké etc. I saying my jokes in english and [[red underline]] Kondo [[/red underline]] translating and vice versa. Noisy eating other table manners good. Returned home at 11 P.M but [[red underline]] could not sleep to hot. [[/red underline]] Took bath tried again. Removed mosquito netting from bed to have some air but then was assaulted with [[red underline]] mosquitoes. [[/red underline]] Could [[red underline]] not close an eye., [[/red underline]] finally wrote to [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] unil [[/strikethrough]] until 4 A.M. Later about 5 A.M managed to sleep for an hour or so. Very trying experience. Will try to get electric fan
Aug 8. Very [[red underline]] hot and sultry again. [[/red underline]] Seems worse than yesterday. Further [[red underline]] alarming war news but nothing seems reliable. [[/red underline]]
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