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and sultry. Took Jinricka to Yokohama Specie Bank
Ran thru many small streets  Canal with Sampans near vegetable and fruit market
Farmers [[strikethrough]] etc. [[/strikethrough]] and coolies of most picturesque attire. Wares all neatly bundled. [[red underline]] fine [[/red underline]] looking [[red underline]] fruits [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] vegetables [[/red underline]]. Succession of small stores and building everywhere. [[red underline]] Bank modern brick building [[/red underline]] looks businesslike, three four britishers drawing money. [[red underline]] President Inouye
[[/red underline]]
[[vertical note in left margin]] Murdered about 1930? [[/vertical note in left margin]]
very busy man thought I came for business. Said bad time for business. Draw [[strikethrough]] $20 [[/strikethrough]] £20. [[superscript symbol + refers to vertical note in left margin]] [[vertical note in left margin]]
Had a letter [[strikethrough]] credit [[/strikethrough]] from [[strikethrough]]  [[an?]] [[/strikethrough]] British bank 
At that time [[black underline]] very few [[/black underline]] American banks had foreign branches  They only started after the end of the war.
[[/vertical note in left margin]]
for which got 194 yen. Drove back hotel. then tiffin  Some more german arrivals. News of [[red underline]] further defeats of germans in Alsace Lorraine. [[/red underline]] Short nap. Then prepared 
[[insertion]] (not so) [[/insertion]] [[red underline]] short address [[/red underline]] for to night. At 6 P.M. came [[red underline]] Dr. Kondo [[/red underline]] in Western dress. and
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[vertical note in left margin]]
My address at Banquet in Tokio
[[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[red underline]] Shiohara [[/red underline]] and his partner in formal japanese dress. Look clean imposing and comfortable. white socks and straw sandals. panama hat. Took me with [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] auto of Shiohara to restaurant in Park. The restaurant is frame bdg similar to american. There I find assembled [[red underline]] 70 members of Japan Society [[/red underline]] of Chemical Industry which counts 1600 members. Prof. [[red underline]] [[Sakuray?]] [[/red underline]] says this is the worst moment on account of heat. Most are dressed in japanese kimonos others in western suits some white duck, others. black frock coats but no dining coats nor evening coats. [[strikethrough]] long [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Presentations a few cocktails [[/red underline]] many bows and visiting cards. One japanese grayish hair and gray moustache [[red underline]] speaks no english [[/red underline]] but speaks [[red underline]] good german. [[/red underline]] Long table with two end tables formed by Kwanto Co group and Sankyo Co group