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We all drove to hotel where I initiated my 3 japanese friends to a [[red underline]] Jinrickey [[/red underline]] ^[["Gin-rickey"]] which is a new drink to them which they seemed to like much.
Aug 11. Scarcely dressed and bathed. [[red underline]] Dr. Kondo [[/red underline]] all ready in my room discussed plan for partnership in [[red underline]] Hooker-Kwanto [[/red underline]] arrangement. Drove [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] with motor car to house of Dr. [[red underline]] Takamatsu. [[/red underline]] ^[[(Gas Co)]]
Simple one story building. Servant bowed low and kneeled while receiving. A very simple altho' clean residence for a [[red underline]] retired Professor of Tokio University [[/red underline]] and President of [[red underline]] Gas Company. [[/red underline]] Japanese matting, floor raised about one foot about soil. Did not enter so had not to take off shoes. Drove to [[red underline]] residence [[/red underline]] of Prof. [[red underline]] Sakuray. [[/red underline]] Pretty garden. See Photograph with Dr. Kamutsu in .
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[[red underline]] Shoes taken off here. [[/red underline]] Servant girl's low bow. Pretty Miss Sakuray serves [[strikethrough]] iced [[/strikethrough]] cold tea. he says his wife begs to be excused. Has 9 children. (5 boys) second boy is in navy. Very simple, plain and [[red underline]] scrupulously clean. [[/red underline]] Then drove to [[red underline]] University Tokio. [[/red underline]] No students, summer time, repairs pretty garden and artistic landscape gardening. Pond and rocks. The latter have been tumbled in so as to give them natural falling position. [[strikethrough]] Laboratory of [[/strikethrough]] Building of [[strikethrough]] physics [[/strikethrough]] chemistry and physics [[red underline]] 28 years old [[/red underline]] but very substantial and quite big for time it was build. New building going up. Installations without being extravagant quite sufficient
Chemical [[red underline]] glassware made in Japan. [[/red underline]] ditto balances. the latter said to be good. [[strikethrough]] Well [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Welsbach mantles [[/red underline]] a successful