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and Okawa both laugh and say that "speaking English and dancing or singing are accomplishments which do not go together." I wonder whether he means by this that 
^[[Knowledge of]] english denotes a studious mind?
At about 10 P.M. Kondo [[strikethrough]] tells [[/strikethrough]] suggests I should stand up and say: "Good bye" which will close the feast. I do so. All follow me down the stairs, there I put on my shoes.
Deep bowings and "Good bye" from all then [[strikethrough]] home [[/strikethrough]] to Hotel. Much bothered by mosquitoes because my new "boy" has not arranged well mosquito-net. Bothered also by [[red underline]] toothache [[/red underline]] so practically no sleep to night.
Aug 14. Remained in my room all morning in my pajamas. Very hot and sultry. News that [[red underline]] Germans are changing their [[strikethrough]] mar [[/strikethrough]] invasion of Belgium towards North. [[/red underline]]
Went to the Bank in Jinricksa
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Very hot. After tiffin took short nap. Went to [[red underline]] Japanese dentist [[/red underline]] in front of hotel. Graduate of Chicago  He says my teeth seem all right except for [[strikethrough]] frot [[/strikethrough]] gums which are irritated. He scrapes some tartar and charges me one dollar. At 6 P.M. [[red underline]] Kondo [[/red underline]] comes here for supper. We take a carriage for a drive in dark around Park. Imperial Palace, Embassies Soldiers Shrine etc. Weird and imposing gates of Palace grounds. [[red underline]] Palace of old Shogun. [[/red underline]] Bamboo plastered with mud and painted white.
Aug 15. Left early with [[red underline]] Kondo [[/red underline]] for Kwanto & Co. the last [[red underline]] Typhoon [[/red underline]] has flooded the country. Yellow muddy water everywhere. Rice fields flooded. Jinricka men to their knees in water. Hard work with Jinrickas not to topple over. Japanese children seem to have much
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Transcription Notes:
A "tiffin" is a luncheon eaten between meal times. "Jinricka" refers to a rickshaw.