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1 [[1914?]]
Aug 17. Excellent night's sleep Pain in tooth entirely relieved. Up early. Cooler weather. Furuta came here this morning to arrange program. After tiffin Shiohara's automobile took me to Sankyo & Co's office. [[red underline]] Japanese style [[/red underline]] in a side street. Explained to him and Furuta all my samples and whole history of [[red underline]] Bakelite business [[/red underline]] impressing upon them to avoid same mistakes as those we committed and specially refraining from manufacturing and starting several articles at the same time without knowing which is important. I told them that later when we shall have learned what class of goods find easiest market it will be easy to decide what to manufacture in Japan and in this way we will prepare the way for a [[red underline]] partnership as soon as conditions warant it. [[/red underline]] My arguments seem to be accepted

Transcription Notes:
Is the date 1914 or 1916? Furuta and Shiohara name checked Bakalite was an earlier name for Bakelite