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During this conversation we received telephone call from [[red underline]] Kondo [[/red underline]] that he is securing a cabin for me paying 1 1/2 price for a 2 person cabin on [[red underline]] SS. Manchuria [[/red underline]] of the Pacific Mail Co.  which sails [[red underlined]] Aug 29. [[/red underlined]] This is very advantageous because it is an american ship. Very crowded undoubtedly. [[red underline]] By that time war between Japan and Germany [[/red underline]] will probably be declared and Japanese, british or German ships will be impossible for passengers.
This afternoon visited Curio shop Jap. antiquities [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] near hotel and bought a little [[red underline]] portable Budha shrine, supposed to [[/red underline]] be antique for [[red underline]] 3 Yen [[/red underline]].  At 8:30 Hotel Guide accompanied me in motor to [[strikethrough]] [[Yoshiwana?]] [[Yohokawa?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Yoshiwara. [[/red underline]] Great throngs all around neighborhood 
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Processions of Budhist sects bearing lanterns, beating drums going to particular shrines. Guide says each sect beats a special instrument or makes special noise so as to attract its followers. Big bunches of artificial lotus flowers borne in procession 
At Yoshiwara. everything much and widely illuminated, policemen in white duck. just stationed like fire-men. All houses new.  old burnt down in 1911. All modern and substantial brick or enameled brick. Guilded bars like bird cages. Callers in restricted to ticket box. are not allowed to go outside. [[red underline]] Rows of girls all sad and [[/red underline]] stupid looking, some smile make signs but everything looks very quiet. Many smoke. Each house, and there are many, has all girls dressed alike, same