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[[red underline]] iron sandals [[/red underline]] offered ^[[votaries]] by pilgrims who want to acquire better feet! Same [[red underline]] as in Lourdes! [[/red underline]] Back at dark. [[red underline]] Cheerful [[/red underline]] dining room electric lights and electric fans. My Jap. friends only Japanese guests of hotel. Proprietor is a Jap. rather good looking with pointed military moustaches. Most of guests are [[red underline]] englishmen [[/red underline]] from [[red underline]] China [[/red underline]] or other neighboring places. Some amerians too. Service by little Japanese [[red underline]] girls about 15 to 18 years.[[red underline]] Their [[red underline]] size [[/red underline]] corresponds to [[red underline]] american girls of about [[/red underline]] 8 or 10 years. all in multi-colored kimonos. shoving around  [[strikethrough]] on noiselessly [[/strikethrough]] on their wooden clogs. Trap - trap - trap. Seem like dollies. and look as if they were going to forget
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their orders. or drop some of the dishes but are very skilful quiet and efficient. Am told they are only paid [[red underline]] a few sen a day. [[red underline]] Seem all [[red underline]] cheerful [[/red underline]] and good natured [[/red underline]] and handle a few words of pigeon english. 
Found my every suit, neatly folded on my bed. ditto shirt with collar attached to it with proper button and necktie. Come in room and go out, at most unexpected moments behaving as if they did not exist for me. [[red underline]] Excellent service [[/red underline]] 
Aug 21. Altho weather was quite sultry last evening and made me perspire abundantly while climbing, night was cool and had very refreshing sleep. Air now is cool and dry. Cheerful sunshine Chicadas in trees. [[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Ne-san [[/red underline]] brought my coffee and fruit