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in room at 6 AM. Then went out with my camera near [[red underline]] Nikko [[/red underline]] sacred bridge (See Terry's - Japan) made photos of teamsters and pilgrims. Ever changing scenes. [[red underline]] View spoiled [[/red underline]] like everywhere else by [[red underline]] telegraph poles [[/red underline]] and electric wires. Also electric car. [[red underline]] Pilgrims [[/red underline]] with straw mat on back as shelter for sun, for rain and as bedding for rest. - very practical and simple. Their big straw conical hats. Went back to hotel then with english speaking japanese guide and the two gentlemen went out for visit of shrines and temples along garden ^[[and summer residence of]] of Mikado. - All very simple Temples are of wood heavily lacquered. on canvass. well polished well kept. 
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[[red underline]] Predominant color is vermillion red lacquer [[/red underline]] - also black lacquer. and [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] heavily gilded copper. Has withstood centuries. Temples and shrines much better kept and cleaner looking than those I saw in Tokio. Many being restored and relacquered. Some of them are kept so well that they look like big lacquer boxes. Priests sitting at entrance and [[red underline]] perforated coins [[/red underline]] - made specially for offering purposes. thrown in old wooden boxes provided with grating on top. (See Terry's - Japan) An [[red underline]] old dancing Shinto - priestess [[/red underline]] - [[strikethrough]] must [[/strikethrough]] must be at least seventy years. - Wrinkled face. dressed in white. dancing every time a short dance similar to Geisha dance whenever money is thrown