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Afterwards she lent us an umbrella and kept my camera. In one of the temples our guide had prearanged everything with the [[red underline]] Shinto priests to hold a service for our purification. [[/red underline]] Saw him give 15 yen as payment. Before entering temple first went to some [[strikethrough]] side building pr s [[/strikethrough]] construction consisting mainly of [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]] roof in [[parts?]]
sheltering a granite [[strikethrough]] tl [[/strikethrough]] trough thru which flows crystal-clear water, and by means of wooden ladle we [[red underline]] purify mouth and hands after offering some pennies [[/red underline]] for payment. Then entered [[red underline]] first temple. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Had [[/strikethrough]] Left shoes behind and walked on our socks. Then entered first room where priest said some prayers and shook a bunch of white strips of 
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paper [[strikethrough]] over us [[/strikethrough]] fastened to a stick, (like a fly-chaser or a cat-o-nine tails) over our head which [[red underline]] was supposed to purify us and drive away evil spirits. [[/red underline]] Then in other room [[red underline]] I had to don green silk Kimono [[/red underline]] of shinto-bonze before entering into sanctum. I must have looked great! Then in next room service began. before shrine. The priests bowing before altar till head struck the matting. [[red underline]] Weird discordant music [[/red underline]] entoned by [[red underline]] three priests [[/red underline]] one beating drum, other playing wooden flute held horizontally, the other a strident little wooden whistle of which he changed now and then the reed, each reed being more discordant and out of tune than his predecessor