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[[red underline]] women [[/red underline]] in tight fitting trousers. multicolored sash and bow. white cap with broad conical straw hat, [[red underline]] mounted on poneys [[/red underline]] with multicolored high saddles. and conducting other ponies [[red underline]] to the mines to collect ore. [[/red underline]] and bring it back to Nikko station.
Here dwarf amazons looked so picturesque that I tried to photograph them but they dodged and hid, or turned their heads or whipped up their horses to escape my camera. laughing loudly after they thought they had foiled me every time I started running after them with my camera [[red underline]] Electric light in every house [[/red underline]] and every farm. Water and ponies are abundant here
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everywhere a quick running stream of clear water runs in wooden channel before every house and is general means of carrying away refuse or washing. Saw them all [[red underline]] scrub and clean [[/red underline]]carefully their [[red underline]] kettles or frying [[/red underline]] pans in the little channel. Happy playing children. Now and then a shrine or some bigger temple. At one of the shrine saw
^[[bulky]] lock of hair, offered by a woman. Shrines [[strikethrough]] alway [[/strikethrouth]] in lovely [[strikethrough]] sp [[/strikethrough]] natural spots in shade of trees near a water fall. Visiting cards as slips of paper [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] left by the pilgrims Further up an [[red underline]] electrolytic copper refinery. [[/red underline]] All one story frame buildings lightly constructed. Ischawa tells me they send them [[red underline]] copper [[/red underline]] from Oji [[red underline]] to be refined [[/red underline]] here. [[strikethrough]] Now [[/strikethrough]] Our road