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has an electric train. Later follows the pebble strewn river which judging from is wide irregular bed must often change into a wide raging torrent. 
Road slowly ascends now (see Terry's Japan) it is getting hotter and hotter but we want to keep on marching. Finally reach [[red underline]] an old ^[[Japanese]] inn. (300 years [[/red underline]] old says [[red underline]] Irray [[/red underline]]) I am glad of the opportunity to rest. Hot tea served, then bottled cheap lemonade called "Cider".
Made photo of Inn. Proprietor shows me his inn. A photo dedicated by the english embassador. Also a painting by a frenchman representing the inn and giving in french "Avis Ă  mes compatriots!" [[red underline]] Ici il [[/red underline]] 
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[[red underline]] ya des honnĂȘtes gens. Plus loin on vous vole" [[/red underline]] etc. Old japanese proprietor shows me good naturedly around and I am object of interest and amusement to his numerous family when I stand up and [[red underline]] my head reaches beyond the cross-beams. [[/red underline]] Many bows and "Arriatos" and "Sayonaras" when we leave. We keep on now I sitting in chair carried by four coolies. I look like Pope Leo! They go in step rythmically and stop frequently to change shoulder, supporting everytime the big carrying bamboo arms by their bamboo stick. This chair carrying gives a queer motion somewhat similar to motion of a ship. We ascend zig-zag road. Further I dismount and clamber over