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short cuts thru woods. Bamboo grass and exotic trees. They show me also a [[red underline]] lacquer tree. [[/red underline]] Chinese woman with party of american girls and american young man 
Reach place of the [[red underline]] Lode stone [[/red underline]] which is only very slightly magnetic as shown by [[red underline]] [[Irray?]] [[/red underline]] with his magnetic compass but attracts [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] small iron keys. [[red underline]] [[Irray?]] [[/red underline]] eats some little white paste balls passed on little bamboo stick and painted with a brown perfumed sauce containing soy. and then roasted on charcoal fire. More tea and "cider". and tansan!
His little balls look like part of a japanese abacus (counting machine used everywhere consisting of little balls shoved over parallel bamboo sticks [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] fastened
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parralelly in a wooden frame) more chayas 
- ^[[where]] more cups of tea. We reach plateau thick birch trees. Then the Keegon Falls. slender but very high (See Terry's Japan) [[red underline]] [[Irray?]] [[/red underline]] tells me: "Melancholy youth comes here and commits suicide" Three pairs committed suicide in June. Finally we come in sight of the Lake. Beautiful blue sheet of water. Distant square sails and mountains. Went to Lake-Side Hotel 
Little rooms european beds with silk gold embroidered bed covers. Lacquered doors and closets. Rooms open on little balcony overlooking the lake. Bought [[red underline]] a Samurai short sword [[/red underline]] for 4 Yen. They first wanted 5 but reduced voluntarily as soon as [[Irray?]] intervened. [[red underline]] [[Irray?]] tells me [[/red underline]]