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[[red underline]] englishmen. [[/red underline]] Then laughing american altho women and men [[strikethrough]] looked like thoro [/strikethrough] were soaked in water. [[strikethrough]] Mo [[/strikethrough]] Practical use of [[red underline]] oiled Japanese paper by an american [[/red underline]] - englishmen who wraps [[red underline]] one around legs [[/red underline]] the other [[red underline]] around shoulders [[/red underline]] and improvises a rain coat Yellow Japanese umbrellas make again their appearance everywhere. Bare legs too - men and women tuck up kimonos as high as possible and expose their [[strikethrough]] full [[/strikethrough]] legs full length to rain. Saw one couple equip themselves. Young women puts coat of her husband or sweetheart in her [[red underline]] obi. new use for Obi. [[/red underline]] and they wrap upper part of
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body in yellow Japanese oil paper. 
^[[Stopped at the old Inn to get a glass of Saké]] Rain - rain in the mean time. We walk along torrent finally reach little station of train line. Small [[strikethrough]] litt [[/strikethrough]] cars. filled with every kind of [[red  underline]] wet people all good natured. [[/red underline]] It is dark now. I ask [[red underline]] [[Irray?]] [[/red underline]] what they are talking about. He says [[red underline]] about the war [[/red underline]] with Germany and that they make the remark [[red underline]] that this time there is very little sentiment (enthusiasm?) [[/red underline]] for this war. Back in time for supper then went early to bed.
[[black underline]] Aug 23 [[/black underline]] (Sunday but not different from other days. Got up at 6:30 A.M. Beautiful clear weather again. While [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] at photographer saw the imperial [[red underline]] Princess [[/red underline]] pass. in Ricksaw. she left for Tokio to [[red underline]] see her brother [[/red underline]]