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He has a little closet in which he dries his lacquer ware. Uses vermillon mixed with ordinary lacquer to get [[red underline]] red lacquer [[/red underline]] The latter is the specialty of Nikko, works for the local shops. He says it takes [[red underline]] 24 hours to dry [[/red underline]] each layer. Lacquer keeps well for one or two years or longer but when very old it dries slower and is more difficult to handle altho' it is then considered better. [[strikethrough]] We left the [[/strikethrough]] A slow walk along main street gave occasion to see many little  industries [[red underline]] Soya-jelly. [[/red underline]] sold fresh and kept in water in little white soft bricks of gelatinous consistency. [[strikethrough]] tarter [[/strikethrough]] feeble taste but quite pleasant. [[red underline]] soya legume. [[/red underline]] obtained
[[vertical note in left margin]] Precipitated from Soy by means of salt containing Mg Cl[[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]]
[[/vertical note in left margin]]
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by grinding [[red underlined]] soy [[/red underline]] with water, then straining and boiling and evaporating in flat kettle over open fire. Skin forms similar like skin of boiling milk. This skin is periodically lifted out by means of a stick and this yellowish sheet is left to dry near by till it can be folded in a  knot similar to a knotted necktie.  
In a fish-store saw [[red underline]] Abalone [[/red underline]] shells with fish in the shells seems a [[strikethrough]] prize [[/strikethrough]] much prized delicacy here. 
Went to buy some [[red underline]] lacquer [[/red underline]] ware in a [[red underline]] lacquer store [[/red underline]]. notwithstanding my liberal purchases my bill amounts only to 37 yen. Proprietor speaks english pretty well altho has never left Japan. Says has learned it in Nikko - seems quite intelligent