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full of shops. and climbing a hill near the shrine  saw [[red underline]] wrestling of small boys, [[/red underline]] who [[strikethrough]] put [[/strikethrough]] carried on the sport just like their elders. Very pluckily and with same self-control
Aug. 25. Up at 6 A.M. There is a canal alongside the window of my room and all sampans arriving or leaving in Yokohama pass thru it. Took a drive in Ricksaw thru town. (See Terry's-Japan) He took me also thru Yoshiwara which looks very much like that of Tokio [[strikethrough]] br [[/strikethrough]] same cagelike show rooms etc but houses are all of wood here [[strikethrough]] and a [[/strikethrough]] while those in Tokyo are of brick. Took me over the [[red underline]] Bluff [[/red underline]]. hot climb. Then to [[red underline]] 101 step [[/red underline]] tea house overlooking Yokohama. A small wooden building of rather poor appearance
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kept by an elderly ^[[japanese]] woman who speaks english in a purring voice. Short sleep after lunch then took the Mississipi Bay excursion and returned at hotel after dark.
Aug 26. 
[[vertical note in left margin]]
[[black underline]] Mitchell McDonald [[/black underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Up early. Have made acquaintance of [[red underline]] Capt. ^[[Mitchell]] Mc Donald ^[[retired]] Paymaster [/red underline] of U.S. navy who has been living in Japan since 25 years. I had letter of introduction for him from Hendrick in New York 
Cheerful, hospitable old gentleman, who likes very much to tell a story and tells it well. [[red underline]] Knew Lafcadio  Hearn [[/red underline]] lives at Hotel permanently and seems quite comfortable. Offered me full use of his carriage and his picturesque japanese coachman dressed in white Kimono with wide sleeves and white mushroom hat. "Ah-Sing", the [[strikethrough]] Japanese [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Patrick Lafcadio Hearn was a writer best known for his books about Japan.