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46 chinese taylor, came here early to try several white duck suits I have ordered yesterday. I found a photographer opposite hotel whose name is [[red underline]] Nagasaki [[/underline]] who makes my lantern slides colored for [[strikethrough]] 50 cents a [[/strikethrough]] 25 cents (american) a piece. Went to Kamakura. At railroad station observed how japanese wash their hands by ladling water from a through. Train runs thru green pretty cultivated country. Small farms. tatched roofs (see Terry's-Japan) Only other occupant of first class compartment is an [[strikethrough]] much [[/strikethrough]] elderly japanese dressed in white duck and panama hat. european fashion He has leather shoes. His [[strikethrough]] head is much bewi [[/strikethrough]] gray hair and gray beard the latter never cut and thinly distributed give him a very
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comical appearance. White hairs over his whole brown face. Ricksaw to the Kashin - in Hotel. An old frenchman Monsieur Vernon, [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] bald headed, stout and short and ^[[black]] dyed [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] moustache is manager. He is a Breton. Very pleasant airy place. [[strikethrough]] Went to [[/strikethrough]]] Rear garden extends to sea. went to swim in surf. Simple wooded boxes for undressing. [[strikethrough]] with no s [[/strikethrough]] serving for both sexes. but nobody cares. Excellent swim but strong wind and heavy surf. [[strikethrough]] After [[/strikethrough]] At lunch service by young japanese girls same kind and just as clumsy looking but clever as those of Nikko. After lunch drove away with one of the clerks who will act as my guide. and we get horse carriage from hotel. Visited the temples. Buy hollow bronze statue of [[red underline]] Budha. Dai-budso [[/red underline]]. Objection to photographing on