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story in the Rip Van Winkle legend. Geisha performance same conventional, stiff, set of poses. same discordant samishan accompaniment. [[red underline]] It is here where one realizes how different Japan is from the West! [[/red underline]] To me the whole thing seems clumsy altho' performers are said to be extraordinary talent of Tokio and are highly paid for it. referred to like great artists. Going home I was handed some letters from [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]]. full of reflection on war news. also some New York newspapers. Was disappointed to learn that [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] seems to have discovered the trick of making [[red underline]] lightproof amber-bakelite, [[/red underline]]
Aug 28. Have been troubled all night with violent diarhaia but feel no pain and on
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this account am compelled to stay indoors. Weather is cooler [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] and wind is increasing. [[red underline]] Professor Walter [[/red underline]] (metallurgist) of Columbia University just arrived at hotel and am glad to meet him again 
Is limping from abcess on his leg which has necessitated an operation. Met also a certain Mr. Robertson of Cincinnati president of a Steel and Iron Co. 
Learn that [[red underline]] S.S. Manchuria's sailing date is postponed. [[/red underline]] Met Dr. [[red underline]] Muller, [[/red underline]] german consul at [[red underline]] Shimonesheki [[/red underline]] who has been discharged and is leaving with the [[red underline]] German Embassador and other germans on S.S. Minnesota. [[/red underline]] He has [[red underline]] still more hatred [[strikethrough]] and speaks [[/strikethrough]] against Japanese [[/red underline]] than he expressed two years ago when I met him first on board the S.S. Kronprinzessin Cecilia 
The wind is changing into