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[[red underline]] a typhoon. [[/red underline]] Waves dashing over breakwater. all sampans seek shelter. Torrential rain, swept landwards. howling wind [[red underline]] Compelled to stay in hotel [[/red underline]] Prof. [[red underline]] Walter [[/red underline]] is very enthusiastic about Japanese and comes to conclusion that [[red underline]] all what he has heard thus far are calumnies [[/red underline]] fabricated with a purpose by petty traders, germans and business interests. 
[[red underline]] Mac Donald [[/red underline]] who has been living here for 25 years makes same statement and says systematic distribution of calumnies had been going on successfully for a number of years. [[red underline]] Thinks germans and chinese are most to blame. German most of all. [[/red underline]]
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Aug 29. [[red underline]] Typhoon [[/red underline]] keeps on with same force. Compelled to stay in all day. Rain-rain rain! violent wind. [[red underline]] Dr. Muller [[/red underline]] still sticks to belief that the contradicted news of the destruction of [[red underline]] 4 english "dreadnoughts" is true, [[/red underline]] and this seems to be the opinion in which germans are rejoicing. I hope it is not true. [[strikethrough]] Steamer [[/strikethrough]] SS. [[red underline]] Manchuria further delayed [[/red underline]] on her way from Kobe on account of storm
News of wash-outs of roads, railroads, floods, etc.
Aug 30 1914 (Sunday) [[red underline]] Typhoon is [[/red underline]] over. Serene calm weather sea is as smooth as a mirror. Difficult to imagine that such a complete change could occur in a few hours. Spent morning packing but it is again hot an sultry
Went out in Ricksaw then