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Sept.19. Cold night in these altitudes. Refreshing sleep. [[red underline]] Sagebrush [[/red underline]] landscape [[strikethrough]] of Nevada [[/strikethrough]] and blue-sky overhead. Starlit brilliantly at night. [[red underline]] Now in Wyoming. [[/red underline]] During day time weather is hot but dry
Sept20 (Sunday) Still in Wyoming. Stopped at [[red underline]] Cheyenne [[/red underline]] while I was shaving early in morning. Again endless [[red underline]]plains [[/red underline]] and lonely cattle-ranches [[strikethrough]] mind [[/strikethrough]] looking ram-shackle and primitive Then the cattle ranges of [[red underline]] Nebraska [[/red underline]] then the farms of Nebraska. 
[[note in left margin in red pencil next to following sentence]] !! [[/note in left margin]]
In this farmer-state [[red underline]] sale of cigarettes is interdicted even in the Railroad trains, [[/red underline]] as well [[red underline]] as sale of Beer. wine etc. [[/red underline]] I am told it is even forbidden to have 
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[[red underline]] cigarettes in one's possession! [[/red underline]] The inhabitants probably take more kindly to chewing tobacco and to spitting which they understand better! [[strikethrough]] It is [[/strikethrough]] The [[strikethough]] getting [[/strikethrough]] heat is more uncomfortable since we left the altitudes. Trip becomes decidedly monotonous
Sept 21. Arrived at [[red underline]] Chicago at [[/red underline]] 9:30 AM. hot and sultry. Crammed in one of Parmelees antiquated transfer omnibuses with many other passengers and slow trotting horses bring us to other station 
Here have to pay $11.00 supplement for [[strikethrough]] sleeper [[/strikethrough]] berth in sleeper and excess fare on Lake Shore Limited. Crowded hot train 
Monotonous [[strikethrough]] riding [[/strikethrough]] trip. Am hopelessly tired reading. Have read all the belated numbers of New York Herald since Aug 17. which Celine