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sent me in San Francisco. Cannot fall asleep.
Sept22. Up early and altho' short sleep feel well refreshed. Cooler beautiful weather. Quiet serene landscape of peaceful Hudson. Feels like old acquaintance. Got off at [[red underline]] 125 street [[/red underline]] then took train to Yonkers. There [[red underline]] whole family was there with car. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] It seems now as a dream [[/strikethrough]] My whole trip now seems as a dream. so far off. It feels as if I never had left and yet how many things have happened in those two months since I left. Hurried glance at accumulated mail. Then [[red underline]] laboratory [[/red underline]]. Am urging Reoni to hurry and repeat
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tests for [[red underline]] assuring nine [[besol?]] [[/red underline]] 
[[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] has [[red underline]] barely passed his [[/red underline]] entrance exam for [[red underline]] Cornell [[/red underline]]. but will have to take 3 years German while he is there. This being the new rule just adopted for scientific course. In the evening the children went to a dance party and [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and myself spent evening together like two good old friends. Could not fall asleep till about 3 A.M. The [[red underline]] Germans [[/red underline]] have destroyed [[red underline]] Rheims [[/red underline]] and its cathedral and all the world blames them more for it. The Allies are making some slow progress in repelling the Germans who defend their retreat with the utmost energy.
Sept 23. Left early to be at office at 9.A.M. There May tells me situation with [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]]