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[[red underline]] Dr. Peter, Waldenberger. Paulus and Sutherland. [[/red underline]] hurried supper then [[red underline]] further conference [[/red underline]] 
Went carefully in every detail of our [[strikethrough]] first [[/strikethrugh]] experiments. Asked them all to raise objections or content statements. [[black underline]] All [[/black underline]] agreed unanomously [[red underline]] that electrolyte [[/red underline]] cell and ammalgam outfit for making glyoxylic [[red underline]] work very [[/red underline]] satisfactorily and that [[red underline]] conversion of 90% and [[/red underline]] over into glyoxylic acid is an accomplished fact and that whole outfit as it is now, with minor changes could be adopted on an industrial commercial scale for regular manufacturing. I was very cautious to interrogate them and to make them repeat their experiments to that effect. [[red underline]] Sutherland [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] were the first to emphasize
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their statements. Then I went over the results and conclusions of the [[red underline]] transformer cell. [[/red underline]] or last cell [[red underline]] where glyoxylic is transformed to racemic and [[/red underline]] tartaric acid. There [[red underline]] Sutherland contests [[/red underline]] the statement that [[red underline]] 50 to 55% [[/red underline]] yield can be obtained because he says [[red underline]] it is not true that equal amounts of racemic and mesotartaric are formed and that we now are in the habit of doubling the amount of racemic acid formed. I confronted him with the statement of Waldenberger and Peter that direct experiments [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] undertaken to that effect. analytically acid in regular working conditions had confirmed the internal statement of [[red underline]] Vaygouny [[/red underline]] to that effect, in every instance; that in our late experiments where Peter had been directed to work up