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Oct. 30 Here all day. [[red underline]] Turkey [[/red underline]] is attacking [[red underline]] Odessa [[/red underline]] and other Russian territory.- More complications! What will happen next?
Oct 31. [[red underline]] Rockefeller Foundation [[/red underline]] has decided to help [[red underline]] Belgian Relief [[/red underline]] and starts by sending a ship with $300,000 of foodstuffs to Belgium and intends to do more.
Nov. 1 1914. [[black underline]] Sunday. [[/black underline]] Home all day reading newspapers and other war news. The [[red underline]] Middlebrook [[/red underline]] boys here also Malcolm Wait for lunch. Evening [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] went with them for supper to house of some girls who had rented a cottage in Adirondacks.
Nov 2. Dictated all morning. The [[red underline]] Turks [[/red underline]] threaten to invade [[red underline]] Egypt [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] destroy Suez [[/red underline]] Canal. Afternoon went to visit [[red underline]] Hasslacher. [[/red underline]] He seemed
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very joyful and laughed heartily when telling his experiences in Mexico City. Then went to University Club then alone for supper to Mouquin then to see a play "Pygmalion" by G. Bernard Shaw. then home with 11:30
[[black underline]] Nov 3. [[/black underline]] (Election Day). Beautiful mild day. Walked to Fire-engine house where voting is done [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Waite standing there near our automobile distributing [[red underline]] woman suffrage [[/red underline]] literature endorsing Dr. [[strikethrough]] Davis [[/strikethrough]] Katherine Davis. All very pleasant and cheerful. [[red underline]] Used voting machines for first time. [[/red underline]]
Voted for Whitman (Governor) then straight Progressive ticket for others. [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] and for straight progressive ticket for delegates for revision of

Transcription Notes:
Malcolm Wait should be Malcolm Waite