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State Constitution.
Walked back and spent day at home reading. Quiet day. Evening Celine and I drove to Yonkers. Usual election throng, noisy and good natured.
Democrats badly beaten. Whitman ^[[for Governor]] (Republican) 150000 majority in New York State against Glynn. the present Governor who according to general feeling is too friendly with Tammany. General [[strikethrough]] democratic [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Republican]] gain all over the country.
Nov. 4. Early to New York for Directors meeting of General [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] Co. Delivered orders last month were $30,900. Took lunch with Swan & Rossi and May. [[red underline]] Swan and May pessimistic particularly the latter. [[/red underline]] Says our lacquer trade is getting worse
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and our lacquer made at [[red underline]] Perth Amboy is worse and worse. Swan fears for our [[/red underline]] molding trade if we do not get up a good plastic sheet. [[red underline]] Reports of imitation processes. Redman Formica etc. etc. May proposes scheme for spending $25000 publicity for transparent Bakelite in several periodicals. [[/red underline]] Told him this is not the time to spend so much money on introduction schemes. We must work hard [[red underline]] improve quality [[/red underline]] of our products. maintain or trade but [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] enter into no such big expenses of problematic value specially [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] during these war times when we do no know what will happen next.
Afterwards went to office of [[red underline]] Royal Baking Powder Co. [[/red underline]] explained to Geary and Porter present situation and gave them explanations on my written report