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Discussed war with them  Schoenfeld began first. everything however remained within friendly discussion then a certain Prof. Swisher or (^[[Sweetow]] Swiker?) who says he is an englishman and a presbyterian took the part of the jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church and seemed quite accentuated to the point of becoming excited. and was called back by [[red underline]] Admiral Baird [[/red underline]] who expressed himself curtly but in opposition.
Evening went to see a play then to train 12:30 AM to New York.
Nov. 22. (Sunday) Poor sleep - Arrived early. Albert at station with car. Feel very tired. Spent all day reading newspapers and other war news)
Nov. 23. Sunny but cold weather
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[[red underline]] No further progress in our difficulties [[/red underline]]
Spent all morning dictating and in laboratory. 
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New chambermaid not having received instructions to leave my study room alone has locked lid of my rolltop desk with key inside. Impossible to open it. My whole study room is crowded with letter boxes  Same disorder all over the house. Everything [[strikethrough]] seems [[/strikethrough]] appears irksome to me. What's the use of all these complications! A big expensive house organisation and no end of endless work. and for what purpose? How I wish for some restful corner. and simple surroundings.
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I am heartily tired of it all and feel much irritated and discouraged  Expenses and expenses everywhere and for everything and one expense brings forth another while I could live just as comfortably at the rate of five Dollars a day and have a more restful life. Oh for some quiet corner in the world. where