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will not break. Suggested also to Gothelf to try dissolving [[strikethrough]] P.SS [[/strikethrough]] ^[[while]] Novolak in acetone, add small amount Hexa enough to eliminate free phenols, then evaporate in vacuo, then pour like usually.
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If necessary try to add heavily volatile solvent at same time [[for cast?]]. No. 75 or No. 20 so as to enable pouring. May be this would be a method to be utilized for our "plastic sheet", enabling to impregnate thoroughly at lowest temperature with a material which has not yet reacted. What I expect here is to make a mass that can be poured and yet will not set free too much 
NH[[subscript]] 3 [[/subscript]], which might cause all the disturbance
Got letter from [[red underline]] Cyriel Buyne from The Hague describing the awful con-
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ditions in Belgium. Also two more letters from my sister in Ghent which were forwarded thru american consul in Ghent via American Embassy in The Hague
Am sending letter to American Embassy in the Hague asking to help me transmit money and to let me know by cable whether this is possible or not.
Spent evening reading war news as ever indecisive and contradictory.-- When will it end?
November 26 1914 (Thanksgiving day) In all day. Spent most of time reading
Nov. 27. Morning spent dictating and in laboratory. Afternoon went to Hasslacher who was not in. Then supper at University Club with Neave
Nov. 28. Beautiful day. Same indecisive [[red underline]] war news. Celine got [[overwritten]] two [[/overwritten]] one letter[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] smuggled thru Holland from her sister Gabrielle [[/red underline]] describing conditions in Ghent and the flight of Anaïs